Cosmeceuticals represent one of the most promising, yet challenging treatment options available to physicians.\r\nThey are the fastest growth segment in the skin-care market, and a number of topical cosmeceutical treatments for conditions\r\nsuch as photoaging, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles have come into widespread use. This comprehensive review\r\nattempts to examine the current literature of the more commonly encountered cosmeceutical agents in order to determine\r\ntheir utility in treating various dermatologic conditions, as well as their potential use in the area of wound healing. Each\r\nsection, dealing with a different agent, provides a brief chemical background, a review of the published research studies,\r\nand nally concludes with a prediction about its potential role in skin regeneration. Although further research needs to be\r\nconducted, adjuvant cosmeceutical therapy may help in prevention of skin cancer, photoaging, and the rejuvenation of skin\r\nduring wound healing.